Wi-Fi Connectivity
You are provided a WiFi network at your residence for unlimited use on any WiFi Device. The WiFi names and passwords are shown below.
For the best WiFi experience its important to keep your devices firmware as up to date as possible.
FIXED IP: If your device has a fixed LAN IP address assigned to it, your device will be BLOCKED. All devices must be set to DHCP.
Left click on the wireless icon in the bottom right hand corner of your screen to see the available wireless network.
Select your accommodation WiFi as above and then click connect
When prompted enter the WiFi password above.
WiFI Passwords
Metchley Hall
Metchley Hall Student - Metchley22
City Edge
City Edge - CityEdge12345
The Pavilion
The Pavilion Students - Pavilion22
Oxley Residence
Oxley Students - OxleyStudents22
Moss Court
Moss Court - MossCourt860716
Apple Macs
Left click on the wireless icon in the top right task banner of your screen to see the available wireless network.
Select your accommodation WiFi as above and then click connect
When prompted enter the WiFi password above.
Wireless FAQ
How Fast Is the WiFi:
The campus has installed commercial grade WiFi using the latest WiFi standards to ensure the best speeds to each user. WiFi is not a fixed speed however you should receive speeds of between 50Mb and 300Mb depending on how new your device is.
Games Consoles
Games consoles will only work on both the WiFi network and the wired network.
Gaming however is best used over a wired connection to ensure the best lag free gaming experience.
Personal Wireless Hotspot Equipment
It is prohibited to use personal WiFi boosters connected to the network as this will cause interference with the main campus WiFi. Any devices seen connected will be blocked for internet access. If you are having a constant issue, please get in touch and we can look at solution.
Google Home, Amazon Echo and Wireless Printers
All these devices can be used on the WiFi and wired network. Printers however are best connected via a cable or bluetooth to your laptop/PC/Mac. For security we prevent devices seeing each other which will prevent you from having access to your printer when it's connected to the WiFi or wired connection.
Old/Legacy Hardware
Any device over 5 years old is best connected via the 'Legacy Hardware' WiFi Log In.